Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's the eve of ........

Luke: 2
.........Mary's baby was due to be born at any moment and she was exhausted. After travelling for many days and nights, they finally reached the little town of Bethlehem. The inns were full and it seemed that there was no place for them. Mary looked so tired at one inn, that the innkeeper felt sorry for her and offered Joseph his stable. The stable was full of animals and very smelly and dirty, but at least it was somewhere for Mary to rest. Mary gave birth to her son that very night. She wrapped him warmly, in strips of cloth and laid him gently in a manger to sleep.
Let us not forget the true meaning of this evening............ merry christmas to you all


Anonymous said...

It's good to be reminded Dina.

Merry Christmas!
Curly's Photoshop

Olivier said...

"Noël est là,
Ce joyeux Noël, des cadeaux plein les bras,
Qui réchauffe nos coeurs et apporte la joie,
Jour des plus beaux souvenirs,
Plus beau jour de l'année."
Washington Irving


“Christmas is there,
This Merry Christmas, gifts full arms,
Who heats our hearts and brings the joy,
Day of the most beautiful memories,
More beautiful day of the year."
Washington Irving