In the Maltese language 'ghar' means cave. Access to the water is easy. Within a few strokes from the entry point is a shallow system of underwater caves lit up with beams of sunlight from the numerous exits. The Ghar Lapsi area is mostly in the 15 to 20 metres depth range and offers a large area of parallel reefs and depressions with most of the typical marine fauna of the Mediterranean.
Looks like it would be an incredible place to dive and with the water so clear.
Dear Nadine,
Your blog is featured on www.maltamedia.com/blogosfera and it will be featured prominently in other occasions promoted by myself. But I need the time. At the moment I am investing my time on this Maltamedia thingy since Maltamedia owns 400,000 unique visitors monthly.
I wish to thank you and wish you my luck for opening your blog. But I cannot consider this as a vote for the Malta Blog Awards since you are voting yourself. See the rules on my site: http://www.sandrovella.org/blogrules.html Rule 1A.
I wish to flag you this following blog as well: http://maltatrekking.blogspot.com/ updated weekly by my friend Joe Zarb.
His contact e-mail is joseph.j.zarb@gmail.com or you can add him on the Windows Live Messenger. His account is : striketeam666@hotmail.com .
Another person who is interested in your blog is: Maressa Zahra. Her Windows Live Messenger account is: maressa_z@hotmail.com and her contact e-mail address is: maressaz@gmail.com . She is studying Economy in our University. She is very young and promising. Her blog is not related to your hobby but this is it: http://maressazahra.blogspot.com/ .
You can add me on Skype and Windows Live Messenger if you want. My Skype account is sandro_vella . My Windows Live Messenger Account is info@sandrovella.org .
We are organising a dinner on Friday, 13th June 2008 for bloggers and readers. I will send you more details later on and also I hope you can make it.
Your e-mail you provided me is not functioning well. That is why I posted my e-mail on your blog.
Yours respectfully,
Sandro Vella
What a magical place. No wonder the divers love it.
Hello Sandro,
thanks for your reply, what I wanted is just for the blog to be seen and not voted for any award. So I'd be happy if my blog is featured in maltamedia. Grazzi.
So beautiful! Its still winter like here in northern US...
My congratulations Nadine,
somebody voted for the blog post "Għar Lapsi ..... a diving experience ... ".
This vote is valid for the blog post of the month (April 2008) and the blog of the year (2008).
The reaction of the reader:
"Dina shows beautiful photos of our lovely sunny island and promotes a really good insight of our maltese traditions and everyday life in Malta."
- Nominate blog post of the month -
Diving is the most exciting activity You can feel the immensity of the ocean. It's like traveling to another world. unexplained.This blog is amazing and very interesting.
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