As long as I can remember (which is not really that long :) ), this house has always been here and carrying the title of being haunted. When I was a little girl my father used to take me and my brother for long drives on Sunday mornings and this stop was one of our favourite. We always loved to explore and listen to our dad's ghost stories. Nowadays the entrances to the house have been blocked.
It looks very old and very ready to fall down but I guess it has withstood the tests of time. Nice story too.
Hello !
Beautiful tower and castle §
The ghosts are nice...
too bad that they blocked of the entrance. It has a nice exterior though.
It think that house is called Sansuci on the way to MarsaXlokk. When I was about 19 yrears old, my father-in-law took me there. It was occupied by an English couple. He was in the RAF. His wife was a very slim tall woman, well over 6ft tall.The house was in a good state at that time but I do not know the owners. It's a pity that nobody bought it and renovated it.I think that the ghosts there are human sqatters !
Abe, Webradio, luke , thanks for stopping and leaving a comment , much appreciated.
Anonymous, that's very interesting to know cause as far as I know and as long as I remember this house has always been like this. It is indeed a nice house and pity true that no one never restorted it. Do you know the family who owns it?
Of course you always remember it like that because you were not born yet when I was there. It was in 1947 Maybe you can guess my age now ??
I must add that this house also facinated me and I was tempted many times to discover the owner and maybe buy the property but I never got down to it. So it was just a dream that never came true !!
There just has to be an interesting history to the house. Especially interesting that you've been observing it since childhood.
Hi Anom and Dina
I also remember that house (yes, I think I'm a bit older then Anom.........LOL
They used to say 'people used to see a white cow going in and out of the house '
Another place that the locals used to say it was 'haunted' was the Barumbara tac - Capriot. This very old and large building was situated in Zurrieq Road very close where the ' ta Kalatu / Abdilla family used to live and close to where the Eden Theatre used to be.
It was a very mysterious looking place.
And what about the Devil's House in New Street where the Lotto Office used to be c1940 ??
Hi Berzy, I don't remember the house in Zurrieq road at all, however the "Devil's house" in New street rings a bell. Actually I'll try and take a shot once I drive down that street. I've looked at your new blog, nice one. ENjoy your spring.
Devil's house is the one Wenzu Haswes made his own, just next door to his mum's! That's why it rings a bell!!!
I would like to know if someone knows at least name of the house...
anonymous, pls could you tell me if it is true that it was prostitute's house in the world war II.? Thank you very much...
I'm trying to find out about a supposedly very haunted old house in Balzan (next door to where an old peoples residence is currently being built) does anyone have any information about it, all i know is two sisters lived there till they passed away and an 18 year old girl is said to have fallen to her death from one of the windows. People in the area have seen the elderly ladies near or at the house.
The Night Hunter, Maltese in the UK... I am very interested to find out more about the house pictured above and any more Ghost stories anyone has. I am currently investigating all this information for a book i am writing, if anyone has real information that they would like to share with me please let me know, post your stories, full location details of the ghosts/haunted places you are refering to on this site and i will get back to you. Thanks
the family of one of my brothers friends own this house and had told us some time ago this will be turning into a hotel, as I am interested in hauntings myself I hope to do an investigation here, but for your interest here is the MEPA planning notice - PA/05062/05 Sans Soucis, Triq Iz-Zejtun, Marsaxlokk Renewal (Design of a five star club hotel, and demolishing parts of derelict existing building ). Outside Scheme Marsaxlokk
with regards to the above does anyone know how I can find any history on this property, its proving very dificult to find anything on search malta and looking on yahoo only provides a few photos, any suggestions would be very welcome
Hi there, I'm also very interrested of the history of Malta, especially of haunted houses.
I was wondering if you knew something about the haunted house in St.Ursula street.
there is written a story about it, written by: Josef Attard.
and I really wanna know if you know where that house exactly is in the street.
Hi there, I'm also verry interrested of the history of Malta, especially of haunted houses.
I was wondering if you knew something about the haunted house in St.Ursula street.
there is written a story about it, written by: Josef Attard.
and I really wanna know if you know where that house exactly is in the street.
CSM, Elle H , Anonym, I am sorry but this is all I know about the house so far. Maybe one day I will try and do some investigative work.
MALTESE lady....I have had personal experiences with ? ghosts. I know for sure I cannot explain them, I know I have seen and felt them. I was never hurt during these experiences except on one occassion when I was asleep and woke up feeling being choked. I ran out of the room like obviously frightened to death. I was working my night shift in a hospital and was having my rest at that time. The ward was known for strange occurences.
Friends of ine went to this house late at night not a place for a person who is scared of ghosts. They say it is haunted i can confirm it is through pictures and voice recordings that were taken in that place. Some that went in there also consulted a priest as once they stepped in a couple of nights after heard the same strange noises as well as a pressured feeling of choking. Cool stuff to experience but honestly not fopr the people who are scared of theses things.
i think that house is just creepy an dit's a good thing it's been blocked cos it freaks me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hii .. Eliisa here : ) i like to know more about this house .. is it really haunted by ghosts and stuff .. ?!! Please do contact me on my email .. christian.aguis@hotmail.com thanks for your coperation :3 xxx
Around 20 years ago a young Maltese friend told me of this house. He said they tried to knock it down but every morning when the workmen returned it had been rebuilt. He also said the Maltese Youths proved themselves by daring to stay in the house overnight.
I recently stayed In a farmhouse in Qala - Gozo. Had a few strange experiences, two sightings and certain noises. I won't say which house exactly. It wouldn't be fair on the owners.. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I'm not sure how 'recent' these comments are but if you are interested, I am a licensed tourist guide in Malta and I specialise in the paranormal side of history. I do ghost walks in Valletta, Birgu, Bormla, Mdina, and villages. You can see my website www.yourmaltaguide.com for more info or you can look up Charmaine's Ghost Stories on youtube.com - an interview on Deal or No Deal programme.
I am very interested in these stories as I do believe in ghosts having had a few experiences myself over the past few years. Proof of ghostly manifestations was also shown through photos and voice recordings and their existence is not doubted, at least from my end. I do believe however that we still have to retain a lot of respect towards these presences. I do ghost walks, not ghost hunts as I wouldn't like to take anything with me at home. Despite my interest, I'm still scared to be tapping into something which may disturb me. But then again, I believe there are all kinds of spirits, the bad ones and the good ones watching over us. If you want to get in touch I would like to listen to your stories.
I have one week left in Malta,very interested on going on a ghost walk /tour. I am staying in Sliema do you have a time table and prices please.. Christina.
Hi , Does anyone know how i can reach the owner of the house ?
I would like to speak to him very much.
hello to whom i may ask some info on this hous pls ? asap
At least do ask for permission. Its our house and as owners we do not like everyone going inside as if its of no one. The house its in this state because of vandalists and other people who stole everything.
I have been there from when i was a little child, I havent seen anything exept heroin injectors, satan symbols on the walls and any other graffiti on the walls. As always humans destroys everything, especially if not theirs.
Hi can u pls send ne the. Name and street on josephcalleja90@gmail.com we have a ghost hunting crew thanks
Josephcalleja90@gmail.com give me ur e mail pls so we can talk I need to to spend a couple of hours in there I have a paranormal in vestigation team
To the Anonymous person who had stayed at a farmhouse in Qala, I wish u can tell me which farmhouse this is. As a child I had lived in a farmhouse in Qala & had a strange experience. I never told anyone. It happened only once but I have heard some of the older locals saying they would see ghosts coming out of the window from my bedroom from time to time. If u can email me at vanstrucks4sale@gmail.com I would appreciate it.
Villa San Souci will make a beautiful guest house.
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