A little history .......
The concept of establishing a public library service dates far back to the year 1806.
During the year 1838 the Library was merged with the University and much of its public function identity was lost. But after two years, in 1840 its attachment with the University was ended.
In 1935 the Pubblica Bibliotheca changed its name to the Malta Royal Library. During World War II little progress was noted and the Library Committee rarely met. The library building was slightly damaged during one of the air raids but no books were lost.
After a decade of years since the end of World War II, the library was re-organised and improved in that a new library for children was opened. This had a direct effect on book loans that started to increase. Even book-stock assumed a parallel augmentation.
When Malta became independent in the year 1964 a public library development plan for Malta spread over 4-5 years was adopted. In it was contemplated the establishment of a Public Library Service together with a School Library Service. A new suitable building had to be found for the new Central Public Library. At first the choice fell on a large building in Castille Square, but the idea was abandoned when the building had to serve as shelter for families rendered homeless after heavy rainfalls.
After many proposed choices the new building to house the Central Public Library had to be the ex-CID block at Floriana. In 1974 the Central Public Library started to function from this place, issuing books by means of the Browne system that consisted of three to four pocket cards issued to every member for the purpose of borrowing books.
In 1983 the library officially moved to its present place that consisted of an administrative block and another block that housed the Adult, Junior and Reference libraries. In 1995 another block was built on the left wing to accommodate the IT Support Unit, the Melitensia, Acquisition and Cataloguing sections, the Section for People with Special Needs and the Audio-Visual library. In 1995 the computerisation project was initiated and the lending procedures at the Central Public Library are now fully computerised. A Customer Care Unit was introduced and a recording studio to record material for persons with a visual disability was set up.
I really was stunned when your post page opened. I thought it was a Roman aqueduct. How amazing.
Today (October 25th) in my birthday. I am 74 years old.
Little history ??? Great story ! I'm smiling for You...
Nice text Dina !
And two beautiful photos....
That looks like a great massive building. Very good historical description.
I like the kiosk on the previous post, similar to the ones we have around here.
A huge library!
Thanks for sharing the history of the library. I love libraries and always have to pull myself away!
Is this library still in Floriana or did it move to another place?
Abe, thanks for stopping and hope you had a nice birthay
Webradio, glad you like the post
Jm, it's a rather big building.
luke, yes
Carin , yes this is still in Floriana
Oh, WOW!! That is one impressive library!!
Hi Dina
This is a very interesting writeup about the Public Library. May I please ask for a clarification? You wrote: "After many proposed choices the new building to house the Central Public Library had to be the ex-CID block at Floriana. In 1974 the Central Public Library started to function from this place." Are you referring to the block where the CID is still housed today please? (If so, why did you put the "ex-"?! :-)
(signed) MaltaCross
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