The feast of St.Joseph the worker is celebrated throughout the Catholic world. In Malta the day's celebrations are most vibrant in the town of Rabat. This date was already dedicated to Saint Joseph in several western calendarts in the tenth century. It was accepted in Rome in 1479, and in 1621 it was inserted into the General Roman Calendar for celebration throughout the Latin Rite. Since it always falls within lent Episcopal Conferences may, if they wish transfer it to a date outside lent. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Joseph on the sunday after Christmas.
Another interesting story. I learned more about Rabat, Malta linked to this Wikipedia address:
Herman, glad you like the post. thanks :)
Always enjoy your great posts Dina.. brings me such happy memories...hope you and the family are well...
I am so glad you enjoy my post. My family and I are doing well thanks.
I linked my post to yours, knowing you wouldn't mind!
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